Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Shoaib Chronicles: A new face--friend or foe?

Shoaib Choudhury's case (for background see here and here) goes back to the Dhaka courtroom January 15, with a bit of a wild card--a new face behind the bench.

Bashir Ullah is the court's new judge, his predecessor having been appointed to the Bangladeshi High Court.

"Although my counsel advocate, Samarendra Nath Goswami, and his team have very successfully proved that there is no substance to the case, the only point which makes me seriously concerned is a pre-set mind of many people in the Muslim countries, who unfortunately hold anti-Semitic notions," Choudhury tells Zion's Fourth Estate. He acknowledges that the "media in the Muslim world regularly publish and broadcast anti-Semitic thoughts. We have previously seen that judges were not free from such bad influence," and there is not telling on which side of this Bashir Ullah falls.

Of course, Choudhury's case should have been dropped long ago, as he's well aware. As confident as he is, Choudhury no longer buys into the false promises of the Bangladeshi authorities. It's now been more than five years since his arrest, incarceration, torture, and the beginning of his saga of withstanding any and all abuse to continue advocating for a peaceful Islam and Muslim Zionism--two things in short order in Bangladesh and the rest of the Muslim world.

But the Bangladeshi Islamists are learning the hard way just how difficult it is to discourage Choudhury.

"But, whatever the reason may be, my family and I have learned to live in extreme adversity, by the grace of G-d," he says. "We shall continue to fight our good battle against radical Islam. And, one day, we shall win."

Stay tuned for more updates on Shoaib's trial.

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